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Gift Giving Philosophy Virtual gifts are usually free, can be shipped anywhere in the world in an instant and can include any item. Three parties are involved in virtual gift-giving: the provider, the sender, and the receiver. The provider is the website that supplies images or Gifs (formatted graphic files) of various objects. Those images are literally the gift. The image can range anywhere from flowers, food, pets, chocolate, and jewelry. They could be described as "fun" gifts or "wishful thinking" gifts. The sender then chooses the image he/she wants to send and writes a message to go along with the image. The provider then sends the receiver the virtual gift directly to their e-mail or alternatively, the receiver may be sent a message by the provider on their e-mail to pick up their gift at the homepage of the virtual gift provider. Therefore, the receiver must have an e-mail address and the ability to view Gifs. If the sender only possesses an e-mail mailstation, they are not able to view Gifs. The choices of image or virtual gifts available on the Internet are quite large. The receiver could choose a rainbow, a whole meal made from a large choice of appetizers, desserts, soups and even cheese. My favorite is virtual sushi meals that can be sent from a provider in Japan (see website below). Virtual vacation images, as well as cookies, pets, image of money, and even the diamond ring for the lady of the house are popular virtual gifts. |
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